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Nucleic Acid Immunity Meeting 2023

October 26 - 28, 2023

German Hygiene Museum

Dresden, Germany

Relive the impact of the Nucleic Acid Immunity Meeting 2023 - NAIM23, where scientific excellence and innovation shaped the future of Nucleic Acid Immunity. The conference showcased groundbreaking research and fostered collaborations, leaving a lasting mark on the field. Thanks to all who joined us! Stay tuned for more at NAIM24 in Avignon.

NAIM23 Participants in front of the German Hygiene Museum's Entrance in Dresden, Germany.  Foto: TRR237

NAIM23 Participants in front of the German Hygiene Museum's Entrance in Dresden, Germany.

Foto: TRR237

Program Features

Relive the highlights from our extraordinary conference! Explore the dynamic program that showcased groundbreaking research on Nucleic Acid Immunity. Dive into the heart of insightful abstracts showcasing the collaborative research shared at this conference, making it truly exceptional. Stay tuned for our future conferences and more exciting opportunities to engage with cutting-edge research and experts in the field of Nucleic Acid Immunity!

2.5 days

2 Keynote Lectures

29 Invited Speakers

8 Short Talks

70 Posters

2 Poster Sessions

For more detailed information please scroll down on this page.

Our Speakers

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the two keynote speakers, the 29 invited speakers, and the 8 short talk speakers of the Nucleic Acid Immunity Meeting 2023 - NAIM23. Your insights and shared expertise are the cornerstone of this conference, making it truly exceptional.

  • Jean-Laurent Casanova, The Rockefeller University

  • Sun Hur, Harvard Medical School

Invited Speakers
  • Simon Alberti, Technical University Dresden

  • Glen Barber, University of Miami

  • Eva Bartok, University Hospital Bonn

  • Simone Caielli, Cornell University

  • Zhijian ‘James’ Chen, UT Southwestern

  • Yanick Crow, University of Edinburgh

  • Michaela Gack, Cleveland Clinic

  • Moritz Gaidt, IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology

  • Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

  • Claudia Günther, Technical University Dresden

  • Filomeen Haerynck, University of Gent

  • Gunther Hartmann, University Hospital Bonn

  • Veit Hornung, LMU Gene Center Munich

  • Jean Luc Imler, University of Strasbourg

  • Hiroki Kato, University Hospital Bonn

  • Anne Krug, Biomedical Center Munich

  • Min Ae Lee-Kirsch, Technical University Dresden

  • Paul Lehner, University of Cambridge

  • Andreas Linkermann, Technical University Dresden

  • Olivia Majer, MPI for Infection Biology

  • Nicolas Manel, Institut Curie

  • Katrin Paeschke, University Hospital Bonn

  • Søren Riis Paludan, Aarhus University

  • Jan Rehwinkel, University of Oxford

  • Cynthia Sharma, University of Würzburg

  • Toshiyuki Shimizu, University of Tokyo

  • Leonie Unterholzner, Lancaster University

  • Nan Yan, UT Southwestern

  • Christian Zierhut, The Institute of Cancer Research

Short Talk Speakers
  • Amiram Ariel, University of Haifa

  • Mauro Castello Sanjuan, Institut Pasteur

  • Hachung Chung, Columbia University

  • Michael Gantier, Hudson Institute of Medical Research

  • Jonathan Maelfait, University of Gent

  • Manuele Rebsamen, University of Lausanne

  • Martin Schlee, University Hospital Bonn

  • Pengbiao Xu, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Conference Sponsors

We extend our sincere appreciation to the esteemed sponsors who have contributed to the success of the Nucleic Acid Immunity Meeting 2023 - NAIM23. Your unwavering support and commitment were instrumental in making this conference a resounding success. Thank you for partnering with us and for your dedication to advancing the field of Nucleic Acid Immunity. Your logos proudly adorn this space as a testament to our collaborative efforts.

NAIM23 Sponsor Boehringer Ingelheim
NAIM23 Sponsor Invivogen
NAIM23 Sponsor Pharming
NAIM23 Sponsor BioLegend
NAIM23 Sponsor Novartis

Our Team of Organizers

The Nucleic Acid Immunity Meeting 2023 was curated by a world-class team of organizers, featuring local luminaries Min Ae Lee-Kirsch, Veit Hornung, and Gunther Hartmann, alongside international experts Zhijian 'James' Chen, Nicolas Manel, and Andrea Ablasser. Together they shaped this outstanding conference experience.

62, Avenue de la Liberté
L-1930, Luxembourg

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